-- card: 21644 from stack: in.01 -- bmap block id: 0 -- flags: 0000 -- background id: 3166 -- name: -- part contents for background part 1 ----- text ----- Subset browsing is a bit like proximity searching in a more conventional database program — but it's far more convenient and intuitive to use. You define a subset by shift-clicking on an Index View. For a simple example, suppose you want to look for data about Apple Computer. But perhaps the words “APPLE” and “COMPUTER” occur too many times in your database to conveniently browse in the usual Context View. So, you go into a subset by clicking on one of the Empty buttons. You scroll or jump to the word “APPLE” and shift-click on it; the Index view shows ~0% before you click, and ~100% afterwards. Now when you scroll to look at the word “COMPUTER”, you'll see that only some fraction, perhaps ~3%, of the occurrences of “COMPUTER” were in the neighborhood of “APPLE”. Click now on the word “COMPUTER” to see just those instances of “COMPUTER” that are in your subset.